Revolutionary War Pension Application
Charles Allen, Jr.


Williamson County, Tennessee
State of Tennessee

On this 3rd day of September 1832 before the Hon. Thomas Stewart, Judge of the Fourth Judicial Circuit for the State of Tennessee now sitting for the county of Williamson. Charles Allen, a resident of the county and state aforesaid, aged seventy-four years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of an act passed June 7, 1832.

That he served two compaigns during the Revolutionary War. The first of which he entered the service as a volunteer in November 1779 under the following officers Captain Charles Allen, his father, Lt. John Hopkins and Ensign Richardson in the regiment commanded by Col. Thomas Eaton and Major Clinch and attached to the brigade commanded by General Ash. When he was called into the service he resided in the State of North Carolina, Warren County. He joined the main army at Elizabethtown on Cape Fear River under General Ash. He then marched with the army down the country within ten miles of Charleston, South Carolina, then marched up the River Savannah opposite to Augusta, Georgia, which at that time was in possession of the British and lay there two or three weeks. We then crossed the river and marched to Briar Creek at which place General Ash and his army were defeated. We then crossed the Savannah River and marched down it to Parisburg and there remained until March 1780 at which time we were discharged, making a period of five months that he served this campaign. He received a discharge from Col. Eaton which has been lost or destroyed. He does not recollect any of the officers of the Continental or Regular line, the number of my regiment or companies that he served with during this campaign, except Gen. Ash, Gen. Elbert of Georgia.

He volunteered and entered into the service of the United States a second time in the month of October 1780 under the following officers. Captain John White, Lt. William Christmas, Ensign _____ and in the regiment commanded by Col. Thomas Eaton attached to Gen. Butler's Brigade. He was engaged for some months in collecting and procuring cattle and provisions for the army and then immediately repaired to Guilford Court House and remained there until after the battle and was discharged some time in March or April following in 1781, making a term of service of about 6 or 7 months. He recollects that at the battle at Guilford  he served with Generals Butler & Green and Col. Henry Jackson. He does not recollect any of the officers nor the number of regiments and companies with which he served during this campaign. He also received a discharge from this campaign, but it is lost or destroyed. When he entered the service this campaign he also lived in Warren County, North Carolina and resided there after the Revolution till 1819 at which time he moved to Tennessee and has since resided in Williamson County. He was born in Culpeper County, Virginia on the 8th day of March 1758 as appears from a record of his age in his possession a book of his fathers.

He knows of no person who can prove his services having lost his discharges. He has no documentary evidence in his possession by which he can prove them.

The only battles in which he was engaged were the battle in which Gen. Ash got defeated at Briar Creek and the battle of Guilford Court House which are above related.

He hereby relinquishes every claim whatsoever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of the Agency of any state whatever.
                                                                                             Charles Allen
Given  and subscribed in open court
the day & year aforesaid.
Preston Hay, Clerk\

State of Tennessee
Williamson County

Personally appeared before me the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace for the county and state aforesaid, Charles Allen, who being duly sworn deposeth and saith that by reason of old age and the consequent loss of memory he cannot swear positively as to the precise length of his service, but according to the best of his recollection he served not less than the period mentioned below and in the following grades for eleven months. I served as a pivate volunteer in two companies as mentioned in his said declaration which this is intended to amend & for such services I claim a pension.

4 April 1833                                                                                       Charles Allen
John Allison, J. P.

